Friday, August 9, 2019

My amazing invention

Hello and welcome to my blog this week in chapter chat one of my must dos was a make your own invention here is my amazing invention


  1. Hi Oliva It's Joyce from Owairaka School in Room 8. I really like your blog post It has lots of information for the web site have you ever tried a link? Any way if you would like to cheak out my blog here is the link BLOG YOU LATER!!💖

  2. Hi Olivia it is Devon from owairaka school i would go to the to a roller coaster because there lots of fun and also they make you get weird dreams.

  3. Hi it's me Devon I like your blog post because you can type anything and go there.If I go anywhere i would type roller coaster

  4. Hiya Olivia
    This is Zoe from Owairaka school in Auckland
    I like your blog post on the teleportation device thingy, I think you should name the portal so it has a name and I love the invention because it has always been my dream to teleport and I would love to do it!
    Blogging out Zoe :P


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