Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Memory poem

This is a memory poem you had to create a memory that you remember and still do keep intouch and ill see you soon


  1. Hi Olivia

    Hope you are doing ok during this Level 4 lockdown? I hope there are some fun things happening at your house!

    This is a great poem that you have written. What a year 2020 is going to be? It been pretty interesting so far! I like the emoji face that you have used!

    Remember to check out the Totara site for some fun things to do during this time! I really like the look of the biscuit recipe that is on there! I might have a go at making this myself!
    I look forward to reading your work and photos that you might post during these next few weeks!

    Talk again soon

    Mrs Costello :)

  2. Hey Olivia I hope your not too bored during lockdown!
    I really love your memory poem and its true we are miss Hines favourites aren't we!
    I like how descriptive your poem is!
    And its true isn't it,that your jokes aren't very funny unlike mine!!!
    Im joking your are quite funny!
    Good job on your work.
    From Abbie :)

  3. Kia ora Olivia,

    How are you doing?
    Are you enjoying Learning From Home?

    I enjoyed your memory poem. It is very sweet and truly is a lovely memory of how you feel about school in 2020.

    Are you reading lots of good books during this time? If you run out of reading material at home don't forget there are heaps of free online audio books you can listen to.

    I hope you are staying warm and cozy. I will see you again soon,

    Mrs Gully


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