Monday, May 18, 2020

Hai. Today Miss Hines told us that we were doing something new and to find out what it was we had to do some brain work. She gave us some paper and we had to awnser them. Miss Hines said the winning group will get a Chocolate.There was alot of questions  soon my group gave up.So what we are studding is Ancient Egypt. Ill post some activities later till then blog ya later.

Friday, May 8, 2020

Autumn Poem

This is My poem on Autumn. What do you think! Hope you like it see you soon.

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Sugar Skull

Friday, May 1, 2020

Task 4 Morning

Date 29/5/20
I’m Waking up after a good night's sleep feeling cold.
closing my eyes, squeezing them together then letting go.
I scroll into a little ball and pull the sheet on me. 
I realize there's only one blanket on the bed.
I search with my hands for the blankets then I open my eyes I hear nothing but my breathing and my own movements. 
I look around, no blankets. 
I feel a little more then I found them I pull them onto me.
I try to go  back to sleep I go onto my left side
Then I groan.I decided to hop up and do school

So I sat up and flung my legs off the bed
and threw the blankets off me.

 Then I sat up very quietly then sat and did

school work when I looked at the time it was
7:15 AM.